Can the <br /> be disabled and 'enters' become line breaks?

Within the muffin builder; when wanting to break lines of text I have to add the break code <br /> all the time. This is pretty inconvenient.
Is there any way of changing this behavior / setting? So that when I hit the 'enter' button on my keyboard, that break becomes a real break?

This would save me loads of work when placing articles!!!

Thanks :)


  • Hi,
    you would have to use the Visual editor, not the column item. The column item only accepts plain text and html.
    We suggest using the column item because the visual editor works in mysterious ways:)
  • gosh... that's a pity...

    For several years I have been loving your Betheme. For my own sites as well as for several clients. But several things make me consider leaving an looking into Avada or such. Because of the builder, as it still often requires using many custom styling codes to really get the details to click...

    I am open for a feedback session if you are interested.
    kind regards
  • But we clearly said that we do have a visual editor item where you can adjust styles, like in the default wordpress editor.
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