Sidebar positioning issue after recent wocommerce updates


After woocommerce updated files, default sidebar that i have on product page has been moved to below the product content, as opposed to be in line with product as the sidebar should be (77% / 23%).

not sure where's the issue on this, so can you please help?

example of one of the product pages below:



  • HI,
    please update the theme to the newest version first and disable other plugins.
  • theme is up to date, and tried to disable all plugins, but no luck.

    I think is more something in the code, because when i try to change code manually, and move sidebar right underneath section group, sidebar then is beside the content. please check the screenshot below.

    please help. thanks

  • It is because you have html errors on your page,
    check that in firefox view-source:
    You have not closed a tag properly and the sidebar goes out the content.
  • hi, thanks for the reply. i have removed all custom content from that product, to eliminate not closed tags, so everything what's left is a default core files code. unfortunately the error still exists. can you please help me to resolve this? it's strange that i haven't made any changes to the conent on this product for last few months, and the error only came up last month, probably aftre some updates, either woocommerce, wordpress new version or theme. thanks
  • *update.

    I got it resolved. i have renamed woocommerce folder in betheme folder, so now i'm using woocommerce plugin core files. looks like one of the core files that i had under theme/betheme/woocomerce had some bugs.
    since its using woocommerce core files, it's all good.

    thanks for help anyway.
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