static css
Hello, I read the documentation With the
screenshot I can´t find the location of the styles part. Maybe I´m stupid :-( Where is it
located? In header.php? Thank You for Your answer. Best regards. My Homepage:
screenshot I can´t find the location of the styles part. Maybe I´m stupid :-( Where is it
located? In header.php? Thank You for Your answer. Best regards. My Homepage:
I try to do it like in the documentation There stand: "UPDATE!!! Since version 9.6, all styles are loading in the header. So if you want to activate static styles, you need to copy the styles directly from the header (on the screenshot below we present where this code is located) into the style-static.css file."
But with the screenshot, I can´t find. Can You please help me (step by step)? Thank You.
Theme Name: Betheme
Theme URI:
Author: Muffin group
Author URI:
Description: The biggest WordPress Theme ever
License: Themeforest Split Licence
License URI: -
Version: 20.7.5
All css files are placed in /css/ folder