scroll down does not work
I created a page with differents sections.
In the bottom of the page I created a section named #details
In the top of the page there is a button, in the button options I set the link url/#details
But clicking on the button the scroll down does not work, while I am linked to the home page.
Can you please tell me what shall I do to make the button scroll down to the bottom section?
Second thing, did you set a One Page setting in Page Options? (while editing a page)
Thank you for your answer.
I set ONE PAGE in page options, and use the code you sent me, but the scroll down still not work: when I click on the button a lightbox opens. Can you please tell what am I doing wrong?
Thank you very Much!
2. Name the menu and add a custom link with the ID anchor you will use later(do not use spaces). Add to menu -
3. When the menu item is added to the menu, save and go to Manage Locations -
4. You go to your main page, you see the new link but when you click nothing happens? No worries, it is because the link has to know where to scroll, to do this edit the page. -
5. Edit the section to which you want the button to scroll -
6. In the field Custom ID type in the id from the button, in my case, it was id=work, no hashtag there -
7. Remember to have the one-page option selected under the muffinbuiler -