Questions and suggestions for blog grid, classic grid and masonary posts


I was wondering if there is a way to offset posts when using the blog grid / blog classic / masonry option? Most Wordpress themes offer this feature for bloggers who want to use the same style of grid across a page without having articles appear more than once. 

Also, the Blog Teaser looks great on a desktop but it is not responsive. I noticed images and text being cut off on mobile. Is there a way to fix this?

Also, any idea why my images are never the same size when I use the masonry option? None of it aligns and it doesn't look good. 

Finally, in the next update ... is there any way you can add more features when showcasing recent articles on the home page? I've used over 20 premium Wordpress themes on various site over the past few years. Be Theme is one of my favorites but this is an essential feature that is missing. 

Could we get something similar to what UNCODE uses? 

This style looks amazing on mobile devices. 

Thank you in advance. 



  • Hi Rick,
    1. We do not quite know what you mean by offset posts. Can you explain?
    2. We use the blog teaser often and it works well, there are no problems. Ofcourse if you have a post title that is very long then it might not fit. The images are always responsive but you have to have them large enought so they an fit properly.
    3. The masonry style is for images that are different sizes, this is what it was created for.
    4. Sorry but right now we are not working on the blog features, this is on our list but it is not a priority.
    Furthermore you have to keep in min that we focus on the website creation side, not on the blog.
  • Thanks for the response. 

    OFFSET - means that I can choose to skip a certain amount of recent posts. 

    On my homepage, I have seven recent articles listed and after a break with another seven recent articles below. I could not use the theme's builder to do this since it doesn't let me offset the posts so I had to use a plugin instead.

    My last question is somewhat important. 

    There are three different layouts for posts but for some reason, my comment section does not appear in two of these templates, including the default template. See examples below:

    On this post, the comments appear below:

    But the comments do NOT appear here ...

    and they do not appear here either 

    If I switch the theme, the comments are there but not with BeTheme. 

    This is a big problem for us. Could you please help me fix it?

    Thank you in advance.


  • Hey again. Please ignore the comment above. I figured out the problem. 

    I have two more quick questions.

    1- Is it possible to make the header image a min-height of 550px or 75% of the screen.

    2- Is it possible to make the "Hooks" only appear on posts and not the pages?

    and finally ...

  • Hey,
    1. you can change it with custom css
    1. body:not(.template-slider) #Header {
      min-height: 500px !important;
    2. The hooks are global, and there is no option to display them only for posts.
  • edited April 2018
    Thanks so much. This theme is amazing. I'll be sure to tell recommend it to all future clients.

    The CSS code didn't work. The image size at the top does not bigger. It stays at 250px height. 

    Any idea why? 

    My other question ... 

    Is there a way to make the featured image of each post automatically be the header image of each article? Otherwise, I would have to go back and manually change all 3000 posts so please say yes!!!

  • You have an error in your css, a missing bracket:

    Sorry but there is no option for that, you have to change it manually.
  • Hey guys. 

    I was hoping I could ask one more question.

    I created a Template and I want to know if there is a way to automatically have it appear on all posts without me having to add each time we publish a new article? 

    Thanks in advance.

  • Hi Ricky,
    this is not possible, wordpress will not allow it.
  • Hello.

    I was hoping you could help me with one last question.

    When I add the "blog" block when building a page and choose the Masonry Title Option ---  none of the images are the same height. 

    I would like to create a row of four post articles that resembles the grids found on the homepage of your Lifestyle prebuilt template:

    In this homepage, the four blocks are all the same height. 

    How can I do this?

    Thank you in advance.

  • Hi,
    There are many types of featured images in the theme, here are instructions for changing them:
    1. To change the size of the images used in portfolio/blog/shop, please navigate to theme options>blog,portfolio&shop>featured image.
    2. To change the size of the default WordPress gallery images, please go to settings>media.
    3. To change the woocommerce images size please go to the customizer tool in wordpress and change it in the front-end.
    More information HERE

    Remember to use thumbnail regeneration after you make your changes. Otherwise, the images will not change their size.

  • Thanks but I am not sure if I did something wrong or if it just isn't working but here is the link to the page for an example:

    I want the images/blog grid on this page:

    to look like the images/blog grid found on this prebuilt website:

  • The equal height of wraps is used to position elements on: top, middle or bottom in wraps. In order to achieve this you need to:
    1. Edit your page, and go to the muffin builder. Edit a section and under the advanced>style select 'equal height of wraps' and full width(is not included in screenshots). See screens:
    2. Now edit each wrap in that section and set the desired vertical align(top, middle or bottom). See screens:
  • Thanks Pablo.

    I did what you told me and it looks good but I still can't get it to have the same height as the examples found on your prebuilt website:

    Is that a CSS change that needs to be made?

  • Sorry, but i can't access your page.
    Please send me a link to this page with it.
    And if you can, please make a screenshot of your builder with items.
  • Sorry ... here is the link to the test page

    I was hoping to be able to control the height and width of each block

    One other question ....

    Is there a way to get rid of the empty space at the top of the archive for each category 

    Here is an example

  • I see that you have a lot of plugins.
    Please disable all of them first.
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