Pre-built Websites Installation Incomplete with missing images on WordPress Multisite

edited August 2018 in Theme support

I have a Multisite installation that I utilize for Betheme Pre-built Sites demonstration. (Almost) Every time I try to install a pre-built website in a new site, for instance, betheme.myWPMU/site1, betheme.myWPMU/site2, betheme.myWPMU/site3, the installation remains incomplete, with many missing images.

Please check some of the websites in the following URLs

For all of them there are missing images. You can check it using Chrome DevTools.

Any idea what's going on?


  • edited August 2018
    • The following is the Server Environment: 
    • Server Info Apache/2.4.10 (Debian)
    • MySQL Version 5.5.60
    • PHP Version  7.0.31-1~dotdeb+8.1
    • PHP Memory Limit  3 GB
    • PHP Time Limit  180
    • PHP Max Input Vars  5000
    • WP Max Upload Size 488 MB
    • cURL 
    • DOMDocument 
  • Hi,
    This is not theme issue.
    You have to contact with your hosting provider because it looks like multisite isn't configured well.
    Also, please disable all the plugins, clear cache and check again.
  • Hi Pablo,

    Not sure it is a hosting issue. I made a brand new WPMU installation and activated beTheme as suggested by you. This time I turned on PHP Errors and I obtained the following error:

    Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Call to a member function delete() on null in /home/ Stack trace: #0 /home/ RevSliderSlider->importSliderFromPost(true, false, '/home/103707-78...') #1 /home/ Mfn_Importer->import_slider('/home/103707-78...', 'toy') #2 /home/ Mfn_Importer->import('') #3 /home/ WP_Hook->apply_filters('', Array) #4 /home/ WP_Hook->do_action(Array) #5 /home/ in /home/ on line 1888

    Are you still thinking it is a hosting error?

  • Hi,
    These errors are plugin issues.

    Please change it to prefix and it should solve this problem.
  • Hi,
    Nop. It didn't fix the problem.

    Check this new prebuilt-website installation with missing images:

    I am starting to think that you have many bugs with MU site installations.
  • edited August 2018

    I tried  to install the beTheme in a Single WP installation and obtained similar errors with missing images and menu items duplicated.

    Have you registered issues installing the theme in Cloudways before?
  • Any update on this?
  • Hey,

    Please send us WordPress dashboard access privately thru the contact form which is on the right side at and we will check what might be the reason.

    Please attach a link to this forum discussion.

  • Hey,
    we checked your wordpress multisite and it looks fine. Please use the database reset plugin that we installed to remove the vet2 demo completly and install it again. This time it should work fine. If it does not work then we suspect that it may have something to do with the SSL protocol you have installed on your server. The hosting company service would be great to solve this issue.
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