Hyperlink issue


  1. I've created a button hyperlink in the top menu called REGISTER YOUR INTEREST. Used #register. It works fine when I'm on the home page, but when on another page, this hyperlink jumps to the right spot (which is at the bottom of the home page) but then moves up to another section. All the different sections have an unique id number. 
  2. Blog posts doesn't show the latest post first, even it the dates have been changed.

Thanks in advance


  • Hi,
    1) Here's whole tutorial of anchor links
    This is what you need to do:

    1. Go to menus and create a new menu - http://prnt.sc/f2v9he
    2. Name the menu and add a custom link with the ID anchor you will use later(do not use spaces). Add to menu -http://prnt.sc/f2v9th
    3. When the menu item is added to the menu, save and go to Manage Locations -http://prnt.sc/f2vafb
    4. You go to your main page, you see the new link but when you click nothing happens? No worries, it is because the link has to know where to scroll, to do this edit the page. -http://prnt.sc/f2vc36
    5. Edit the section to which you want the button to scroll -http://prnt.sc/f2vcho
    6. In the field Custom ID type in the id from the button, in my case, it was id=work, no hashtag there -http://prnt.sc/f2vgaz
    7. Remember to have the one-page option selected under the muffinbuiler -http://prnt.sc/f2vcm7

    If you do not want to use a normal menu to link the user to sections, you need to add a 'scroll' class to the custom link elemment.

    2) Please disable all of the plugins and clear the cache
  • edited August 2018
    Thank you.

    Anchor links are correctly added. The anchor link only works when on the home page, but doesn't jump to the correct section when navigating from other pages.

    I am aware of how to create a menu. The issue I'm having is when clicking on the right top button "REGISTER YOUR INTEREST" It doesn't move down to the bottom of the page. I've created an id #register-interest, but when you click on the top right button link "REGISTER YOUR INTEREST", it jumps to "BUILDING PARTNERS" (the section just above register your interest at the bottom) 

    Even after deactivating all plugins and removing custom CSS, this problem still occurs. 

    Is there a way I can send you my Wordpress login details?

    Kind regards

  • It seems the issue is with Chrome. Have tested this on other browsers, and works fine. 

    How can we fix this issue?

  • Oh, doesn't work on Firefox, one has to click twice for the link to work.

  • Hey,

    Please send us WordPress dashboard access privately thru the contact form which is on the right side at http://themeforest.net/user/muffingroup#contact and we will check what might be the reason.

    Please attach a link to this forum discussion.

  • Thanks, message has been sent along with login details.

  • Hey,
    you have sent the login details but we do not get the /wp-admin path to your website.
    We tried with the link about but it does not work.
  • edited August 2018
    Scroll ID is used only for one-page websites, and it shouldn’t be used for multi-page sites.
    It’s not working during redirect to other pages because the script starts to work while the page is still being loaded. The content then gets longer and the anchor point is misplaced.
    We cannot do anything to fix this, especially when it only happens in one browser.
  • edited August 2018

    Well, anchor-points are suppose to work within multiple pages. If I move the register section a bit to the top, then it works fine. 

    Shouldn't there be a code I place in? 

    Otherwise, I would only need the REGISTER YOUR INTEREST button on the home page (features) and not to appear on the rest of the pages. How would I go about doing this?

    Thank you

  • Hi,
    You have to make other menu for this one page or other pages.
    I suggest you to make other menu for main page.

    After you'll make a second menu, edit your page and you'll
    be able to change it here:

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