How to display Sticky Menu only / Hide Fixed Menu

We would like the top of our website to display sticky menu only, not the fixed menu (which transitions to sticky).

So far we have added:

.menu-main-menu-container { display: none; }
#Top_bar:not(.is-sticky) { display: none !important; }

To hide the fixed menu...can you let us know CSS or files to edit to only show sticky menu?
Even if we have to disable the animation/fade in in the js file, we would greatly appreciate your help.


  • Hi,

    please send us link to page where you would like to do this first.
  • edited September 2016
    Thank you for your time.
  • Ok, thanks. So to remove regular logo and keep just the sticky header, you supposed to use the following css:
    1. #Top_bar:not(.is-sticky) { display: none !important; }
    But if your case, it wouldn't work unfortunately because you have lot's of custom JS and CSS. Looks like some modifications were done.
  • Hi, correct me if I'm wrong, but...the following css adder will remove the top bar, but not display sticky until just after you scroll down just a bit?  That's because the js is written to not display until a certain is scrolled.  All we want to do is display the sticky bar permantly, and disable the js that tells it to not appear until scroll.  Is that possible?
    1. #Top_bar:not(.is-sticky) { display: none !important; }
  • Ok, sorry, we misunderstood your first question then. However, what you ask for, is not possible then.
  • No worries.  I have figured it out, which took a bit of js editing to do.
    BTW, you have a great template and offer great technical support.  The only issue we're having is with the parallax and some complaints with IE and jumpyness, but I think we have that resolved.
  • Thanks for your kind words. About the parallax, we spent many weeks on it and made the best parallax for most kind of browsers. It was very difficult to pick up the right solution because there would be always a browser in which current parallax does not work exactly the same as in other one. But the current we use, is the best one in our opinion and we checked it in most available browsers.
  • Hi Azonaco, can you share the JS you applied to have the sticky remain on screen? It would help me a lot with my site! thanks in advance!
  • Yes. Please share this little JS please. Thank you.
  • please share
    thank you 
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