Portfolio Masonry Hover Details without spaces within images


We are triying to change options so this grid shows no spaces bithin images. We have the Portfolio Layout Flat, Full Width, with the Grid width full (Global Options).

We were looking lot of options here en other tickets, but we cant find a solution yet.

Thanks a lot



  • Hi,
    Sorry but this is not possible.
    It require theme files customization (CSS+JS) which we do not support.
    So if you don't know how to do it, you have to somebody who'll be able to do it.

  • Ok, we are an agency and so far we have purchased 16 BeTheme licenses, where support is one of the key factors in this. Obviously from now on this factor we should not consider it and analyze the possibility of buying other themes that have a more collaborative team in this aspect.

    There are many times that we need to adjust things that do not come exactly as we need, and we do not usually contact you since we previously reviewed requests made by other users here and found what we are looking for, but this was not the case.

    A pity that they can not help us with something as concrete as this, where what we need is for you to send us the code necessary to make the modifications we need. Maybe it's good to leave a comment in Themeforest to users to know that when you ask for orders like these you do not support, because when buying licenses, users evaluate this type of things a lot.
  • edited October 2018
    It's not possible to make Masonry Hover Details without spaces through Muffin Builder or simple css, it requires file customization, I would like to help
    you but I can't do exceptions for customers with theme files customization.
    To achieve that, I would have to edit a lot of HTML/CSS/JS code in theme files.

    As Item Support Policy says: Item support does not include services to modify or extend the item
    beyond the original features, style, and functionality described on the
    item page. For customization services that will help you tailor the item
    to your specific requirements, we recommend contacting the author to
    see if they privately offer paid customisation services or checking out
    the great service providers on Envato Studio

    If you don't want to have spaces in your portfolio main page, please change it to other layout like "Flat" or "Masonry Flat | 4 columns".

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