Mobile friendliness
I have my site
I like the theme, however up until last week I keep getting mobile friendliness alerts from Google search console. They are mainly these 2
- Content wider than screen
- Clickable elements too close together
When I run a mobile friendliness test sometimes site appears unrendered or broken. Can this be fixed through theme options?
Many thanks in advance
It cannot be changed with Theme Options(but it could be). First we need to know what makes issues.
I see that you use the unsupported plugin:
Please disable all of the plugins, clear the cache and check if the issue still exists.
Please send us WordPress dashboard access privately thru the contact form which is on the right side at and we will check what might be the reason.
Please attach a link to this forum discussion.
Google tests are very restrictive and sometimes they load the pages not correct.
We assure you, that BeTheme is mobile friendly by default and you shouldn't be worried about
mobile issues.