Moz not finding H1?
in SEO
We use Moz to help with our SEO assessment and it is saying that our targeted keyword is not being found in the H1 tag, with it is there. The only thing I can determine is that the H1 also has a class applied to it:
BeTheme H1 for front page: <h1 class="title">
BeTheme H1 for front page: <h1 class="title">
Blog H1: <h1 class="entry-title" itemprop="headline">title</h1>
compared to non-class H1: <h1>
My question is, is there a way to turn off the class being applied to it so I can troubleshoot the issue?
compared to non-class H1: <h1>
My question is, is there a way to turn off the class being applied to it so I can troubleshoot the issue?
All you can change is the H1 heading to other on Single Post and Single Portfolio.
Please go to Theme Options > Blog, Portfolio & Shop > General
Unfortunately, there is no option to change it on the front page.
Isn't it inserted somewhere inside the content in Muffin Builder?
It's automatically added by the script in the theme code, and it can be customized only by customizing theme files.
But we do not support such modifications.
Google robots read the content of H1 and check if the style is not inlined.
So you shouldn't be worried about it too.