Change colour of search bar placeholder text

I am trying to change the default colour of the placeholder text in the popup search bar as I have modified the colour and it's lost heaps of contrast. I have used the following CSS but it doesn't seem to work form#searchform input-placeholder { color:white!important; }

Is there something I am missing here?



  • Placeholder text color inside search can be changed within below css:
    1. #Top_bar .search_wrapper input[type="text"] { color: #000 !important; }
  • Ok at first that did not do a thing but then i removed the space between the !important declaration and the color hex code. But what that did was change the color of the input text - not the placeholder text.

    I modified your code and tried:

    #Top_bar .search_wrapper input-placeholder { color:blue!important; } 

    But that did not work. Is it possible to change the colour of the Placeholder text in the search field?
  • We have no idea where you get this code but definitely is wrong. You should use below css instead to change placeholder text:
    1. #Top_bar .search_wrapper input[type="text"] { color: #000 !important; }
  • I know you have given me the same css code again, but it did not work for me the first time. That's why I went and experimented with the code quite a bit.

    I give up. It's not important
  • As you want, but if you will send us url to your website then we can check what is the problem. There is only 3 reasons why this won't work on your side:

    1. You use cache

    2. You did mistake somewhere in your custom css and any code below broken css won't work

    3. You copied this code in wrong place or with unnecessary tags
  • edited April 2015
    rarch47 , this is what you need. Will change search placeholder text to white in all browsers. Cheers. John.

    #Top_bar .search_wrapper input[type="text"]::-webkit-input-placeholder {
    color: #ffffff;

    #Top_bar .search_wrapper input[type="text"]:-moz-placeholder { /* Firefox 18- */
    color: #ffffff;

    #Top_bar .search_wrapper input[type="text"]::-moz-placeholder { /* Firefox 19+ */
    color: #ffffff;

    #Top_bar .search_wrapper input[type="text"]:-ms-input-placeholder {
    color: #ffffff;

  • BAZZZINGA! Thanks John!
  • Thanks John!
    1. Spent 2 hrs trying to implement Albert's code #Top_bar .search_wrapper input[type="text"] { color: #000 !important; }

    + other suggested solutions with no luck. Finally found John's code which works fine !

  • Hello @georgetate,

    I'm glad that you solve your problem, is there anything else we can help you with?


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