Error 500 when trying to edit a page

Hello, the website is running ok on the frontend, but when I enter to wordpress backoffice and try to edit a page or a post, instead of muffy builder I only see a blank page with Error 500.
It seems as if there's a problem with your builder and wordpress when I try to edit.
What can I do?
thank you


  • The public website is going ok and I can enter the wordpress backoffice. Even I can edit woocommerce products. The error 500 just come up when I try to edit any page or post. Just come up a blank page with error 500 text.
    I've uploade again all betheme folder by ftp, but I couldn't fix the problem. 
    Thank you
  • Hi,
    1) Is your BeTheme and all of the plugins up to date?
    2) Please check if it happens while all of the plugins are disabled (of course, clear the cache of your browser after disabling the plugins)

  • Hi, Pablo,
    I followed your instructions and I see there's a conflict with one plugin, Yoast SEO. If I deactivate it and I can edit the pages.
    Thank you for your advice and patience!
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