Error with HUGE-IT Photogallery
I try to install HUGE-IT Photogallery ( but the pop-up on photo do not open. I've this error:
plugins.js?ver=17.2:64 Uncaught DOMException: Failed to execute 'webkitMatchesSelector' on 'Element': '[object Object]' is not a valid selector.
at o.m._filterFindItemElements (
at o.m._itemize (
at o.d._itemize (
at o.m.reloadItems (
at o.d.reloadItems (
at o.m._create (
at o.d._create (
This is a problem of theme. I try to download plugins.js and analyze the error. I see in plugins.js code some stange symbols. This is an encoding problem. If I save the js file, website have a lot of problems.
Can you help me to solve this problem?