BeTheme Testimonials

I am using Testimonials in BeTheme on this page:
I would like to reduce the font size of the quote, author, company.
I guess this can be done using styles.
Could you please precise what are the style names and specific codes I should add to custom CSS under BeTheme options ?
Thank you for your support and kind regards,


  • Hi,
    Please click the right button of the mouse and click "Inspect", on the right you should see inspector of the whole HTML code of the website.
    There you can find all of the CSS Classes used there.

    I assume you can handle the CSS to make it, right?
  • Thank you for the hint on Inspector !

    I was able to manage the author class by specifying
    .author {
    font-size: 90%;}
    It seems it is also reducing the second paragraph based on class Company.

    However, for the quote itself, there are differences in the class names in english and french page, very surprisingly.

    For me, the best way would be to change the paragraph style which is H4 by default in the Testimonial tool. But I don't think I can change this to H5 or H6 for instance.

    Kind regards

  • I'm glad that you solved that out.
    Is there anything else I can help you with?
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