Responsive for Tablet

I do not know how to make a webpage responsive for tablets.  Should I hide create 3 sections, desktop, mobile and tablet?  And in the tablet section, hide the desktop and mobile?



  • Hi,
    If you don't know how to do it responsive for every device or the layout is that complicated, that it require to change the layout of that page, then it's the only way.
  • Yes, I am learning.  But would like help on the visibility of each section for every device.
  • I do not understand.
    Can you explain it greater?
  • I am trying to make website responsive in all devices.  I was able to make the site responsive for desktop and mobile (portrait).  When I turn the mobile to landscape mode the images do not appear correctly.  Same happens when I turn the tablet to landscape mode.

    Is there a way to make it responsive for every device (portrait and landscape) using the responsive visibility option for every section?

  • You probably mean the background images, which are actually not responsive and you will not see them always the same. The theme is responsive and ready for all devices. Please send us a link to your wesbite and screenshots of which elements are not correct so we can take a look.
  • Hello,

    Thanks for your reply.  

    The website is

    I want to make it responsive for all devices and for all views.

    The pictures do not display correctly on tablet and mobile landscape views.

    Thank you
  • You probably mean those background images that are moved to the side. You are using sections which hide on desktop but show on mobile - this is fine - however those background images on mobile are too small. You also need to set the background image size to cover, and the background position to center center if you want them to look good on smaller screens
  • Thanks, I made the changes and the result is much better.

    What is the ideal size for the background images to appear correctly in mobile and tablet landscape view?

  • Besides using sections and the responsive visibility option, what other method do you suggest using to make the site responsive for desktop, mobile, and tablet?
  • edited March 2019
    The 'background-size: cover' will make these images looks good on all of the devices, so the FHD image should be the best.
    There is no other option in the theme, the one you are using is the best. You can leave the full size image from desktop on mobile or you can make it smaller. We suggest using 768px wide images on mobiles and 1280px wide images on tablets.
    If you do not want to play around with resizing those images then please just use the desktop version on all devices.
  • Thank you for your answer.  What is FHD?

  • Full High Definition quality.
    It's a 1920x1080 resolution of the photo.
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