Changing the thumbnails in Portfolio to Icon-box

Hi all,

Fairly new to the WordPress game and I wanted to ask for some help - What would I have to do to change the 'Portfolio' page thumbnail tiles into icon-boxes?

Where would I find the code for the Portfolio page tiles?

Thanks so much!


  • Hi,
    The portfolio and icon box are very different things.
    Portfolio is a blog-like feature, and icon box is an item.

    I assume, you want to change the featured image on the portfolio to the icon box, so that's not possible.
    What do you mean by "Portfolio page tiles" ?

    If you have some other questions, feel free to ask.
  • That is correct Pablo, I wanted to change the thumbnails pictures to icon boxes.
  • Unfortunately, it's not possible.
    It require a lot of theme files and wordpress files customization, but we do not support file customizations.
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