Single portfolio post using elementor

Screenshot reference:
1. How can I center the text with the bullet
2. How can I decrease the vertical space 

Both 1 and 2 I'd like to align with the Title and City/State text - how is that possible?

heres the link to the live webpage:


  • edited March 2019
    1) Paste this CSS into the Theme Options > Custom CSS & JS > CSS
    .elementor-widget .elementor-icon-list-item, .elementor-widget .elementor-icon-list-item a{
    justify-content:center !important;
    .elementor-icon-list-icon i {
    vertical-align: middle !important;

    2) Unfortunately, I cannot decrease that padding, because elementor css classes with that name(that class is very common) will change the padding of the all elementor columns (that means all css classes with that name will have decreased paddings).
  • 1. That code centered the entire list. I want to just center the text with the bullet. if you look at it right now the bullet is a little lower and not centered with the text.

    2. Is it possible to align the bullet list and the table below it with the "Title" header?
  • edited March 2019
    1) I've updated the code above, it will center the text and make the bullet to be on the middle of that text.
    2) Unfortunately, it's the same situation as in the second answer.
    I cannot use the CSS there, because if I change it, then a lot of elements on your website can get centered.

    That's why we suggest using the Muffin Builder, it's more customer-friendly, and it has a lot more advanced settings for creating the website.

    Give it a try:

  • Thanks!
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