Lost Custom CSS - How to center menu?

Hello, yesterday all my CSS settings disappeared from nothing. Now I have to find out several things again ..
1. How is it possible that my CSS settings are gone?
2. Can I get my custom CSS settings from the web server with a backup? I have a lot of files in BeTheme folders but I do not know where to find them.

If 2nd is not possible:
1.) How do I CSS-code my menu (which is "below slider") Center that the content is in the middle and not on the left edge.
2.) How can I remove the logo from the menu?

I would appreciate help!


  • Furthermore, I would still know how I can move the picture under the title in the single post section.

    Thank you!
  • Hello,
    it is not possible that they dissapeared. All of the theme settings and custom css are held in the database. You might have fiddled with the database or installed a plugin that does so, in that case we cannot help. You should contact your hosting provider and ask him for a backup file, he should have one - it depends on the hosting plan.
    The other possibility is that your hosting is limited and the "max_input_vars" value is set too low, 1000 is the deafult, you should change it to 5000.

    1 & 2. You would have to send us a link to your website, we would then help you with custom css.

  • Is it possible to look up to to the CSS Settings in the Database Backup?

    The link: kuchinka.cc/wp
  • I just discovered another problem ..
    The "load more" button in the portfolios has not worked since yesterday. it's enabled "jQuery filtering" but so far there have not been any issues with it ... even if I disable jQuery filtering it does not work ..
  • Hello,
    sorry but we cannot do anything with your database, we do not support it. You would have to ask your hosting provider for assistance.

    The load more button will not work with jquery filtering. When using jquery filtering you have to disable load more and pagination. You also need to set a high number of posts per page because you need to display all of them at once. You will find everything in theme options>blog,portfolio&shop>portfolio
  • Hey,
    so it is not possible to look up to the settings in my backup?

    And what about "I would still know how I can move the picture under the title in the single post section."
    and "How do I CSS-code my menu (which is "below slider") Center that the content is in the middle and not on the left edge." ?

    Thank you!
  • 1) It's not very easy and it require a lot of searching, but it should be somewhere inside the database, but we suggest not to do it.

    2) Sure, paste that code into the Theme Options > Custom CSS & JS > CSS
    @media (min-width:1240px){
    position: relative;
    left:50% !important;
    transform:translate(-50%, 0%) !important;
  • 1) Okay. Thank you.

    2) Thank you it works great! And what about the Single Post image? I want to change the position from the title and the image. How is that possible?

    Best regards
  • If you want to switch their position like title to be first line, then an image - it's not possible, it require theme files customization which we do not support.

  • Okay thanks. But is it possible to move the post image to the left? It does not look good in the center..

  • Of course, use this CSS:
    body.single-portfolio .single-photo-wrapper{
    text-align:left !important;
  • Thank you!
  • One last question I have left! Is it possible to make the categories a little nicer in jquery filtering? Looks a little messy ...
  • How do you would like to customize it?
    Change font color, decrease font size - can you explain what you want achieve greater?
  • I'd like to customize the ORDER of the categories. Right now, it's just by alphabet, but I'd like to vary the principles of order. Is there any possibility?

  • There is an option in theme options>blog,portfolio&shop>portfolio to change the order, you would have to try. If this is not what you are looking for then we do not have any other sollutions.
  • I know how to so sort the order of the Posts. But I mean the order of the jquery Filtering dropdown. Look: kuchinka.cc/projekte

  • Sorry but this will not be possible, you would have to  edit the theme files and modify them, we do not have the resources or skills to help you with that. We only help with small CSS tweaks.
  • Okay, thank you. I found a solution with a Plugin or a code in my functions.php

    Thank you for your help! <3
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