Switch to VC

I have started a building a site using Muffin Builder and want to switch to Visual Composer. Is that possible or will I have to start over.


  • Hi,
    It's not possible to migrate the demo from Muffin Builder to WPBakery (Visual Composer).
    Of course, you can build the website using the WPBakery, but we suggest to switch "Display Order" first.

    It can be changed in the Theme Options > Global > Advanced.
    Change it to "WP Editor - Muffin Builder"

  • Not sure I am following you. Just to clarify. If I have a site built with Muffin Builder, I can't switch to WPBakery? 

    Also, what does the display order option do? I have it currently set to Muffin - WP and I thought that would mean the Muffin builder would be at the top of the page and the WP editor would be below it. But that is not what I see. No matter which setting I use, the WP editor is always visible at top of page.

    Thanks much.
  • Yes, you cannot switch your website from Muffin Builder to WPBakery and the same in the other side (WPBakery to MB)
    They are building the website in very other way and it's very complicated to "migrate" them.

    The "Display Order" works as you said, it will push to the top elements from certain builder.
    If you use the WPBakery and MB at the same page (which we suggest not to do it), then if you set (WP Editor > MB) then content form WPBakery will appear first.

    Is this clear now?
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