HOME page "Top_bar" not loading

I'm having an issue with the HOME page "Top_bar" menu not loading, and only on the HOME page. All other pages load without issue –  https://www.cannongroupinc.com/

Upon inspecting the code, it appears that the issue has to do with the class:

<div id="Top_bar" class="loading">

Any assistance would be much appreciated. Thanks.


  • Hi,
    It looks like the problem is related to plugins conflict.
    Please disable all of the plugins, clear the cache of the browser and check if the issue still exists.
  • edited May 2019
    Unfortunately, that fix suggestion did not solve my issue; deactivating all plugins, clearing stored cookies, site data and cache, then refreshing. The only plugins currently activated are those recommended by BeTheme:
    • Contact Form 7
    • Slider Revolution
    • Duplicate Post
    • Force Regenerate Thumbnails
    • Activate Force Regenerate Thumbnails
    • Layer Slider
    • Visual Composer
    Any other ideas to solve my HOME page "leading" issue? Thanks.
  • Hi,
    Check, if switching your theme to the parent will solve that issue.
    Also, your theme is old, it's 17.3 - the latest version is 21.2 - please update your theme too.

    Here is an instruction on how to update the theme:
    Theme updates will not delete your content unless you have changed the
    files directly in which case we suggest using a child theme.
    We also recommend creating a backup file.
    Please remove the theme completely from your theme folder and install a
    fresh copy. Do not overwrite files.

  • That did the trick.

    Thanks for the feedback, Pablo, and the only item I did NOT check upon moving the sandbox version to the client server was their theme VERSION! I feel a bit silly, obviously, but am glad that this solved the "Top_bar" issue.
  • Pablo,

    I'm having once again having an issue with the HOME page "Top_bar" menu not loading,
    and only on the HOME page. All other pages load without issue –  https://www.cannongroupinc.com/

    Upon inspecting the code, it appears that the issue has to do with the class: <div id="Top_bar" class="loading">

    Similar to last time, I installed a "clean" version of the most current BeTheme but that did not help

    Any assistance would be much appreciated. Thanks.
  • Can you once more disable all of the plugins, clear the cache of the browser and check, if the issue still exists?
    It's the most common issue and always first step after further investigation.
  • Thanks for the feedback and just to confirm, are you saying that is "may" be a PlugIn issue? Or that this is a process that needs to be taken EACH TIME we update the BeTheme?
  • This is mostly caused by cache and minification plugins. The cache and minify your files so when you update, they are not updated properly. You should disable plugins like those when updating.
  • OK, I've updated BeTheme (21.5.7) and Slider Revolution (6.2.2) to their most current versions but am still having issues with the HOME "Top_bar" menu not showing.

    After turning on-and-off all plugins, it is Slider Revolution "not playing nice" with BeTheme and when I deactivate it, the HOME page main navigation appears.

    NOTE: I have created a temporary "fix" in Slider Revolution so our main navigation appears on the HOME page, but it does not allow for drop-down menus and is meant only to be temporary.

    I am stuck and any assistance you can provide would be appreciated. Thanks.
  • Hey,

    Please send us WordPress dashboard access privately thru the contact form which is on the right side at http://themeforest.net/user/muffingroup#contact and we will check what might be the reason.

    Please attach a link to this forum discussion.

  • WordPress dashboard access for HOME page issue has been sent. Please reply via forum discussion, as the account owners email FROM: is not the resource working the problem. Thanks!
  • edited March 2020

    your telling me that I’m causing the <div id=”Top_bar” class=”loading”> issue and
    have to go into the code to solve it? The issue is solved if I turn off the Slider
    Revolution plugin, even though it came with your theme’s bundle. How is that MY


  • You are using the Child Theme of betheme which can be modified in many ways.
    The simpliest way to solve it will be by changing the theme to parent and updating it to the latest version.

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