Problems with the installation


I have a problem with the installation. I installed the theme and when I´m going to install plugins I got a message that says Be-plugins cannot be loaded. And can´t do anything else. I hope you can solve me the problem because I´m stuck there. 

Thank you so much.


  • Hi,
    Please upload on a screenshot of the whole error message.
    It will be really helpful for us.
  • Of course all you need please tell me, 

    This is the link: you will see that is in Spanish but basically the translation is Be-plugins couldn´t be load. And it happen to me also with Be-websites or Be-status.

  • Hey,

    Please send us WordPress dashboard access privately thru the contact form which is on the right side at and we will check what might be the reason.

    Please attach a link to this forum discussion.

  • I sent you the access data by form and I attached there also the link to the website that is this one:

    p.p1 {margin: 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px; font: 12.0px 'Helvetica Neue'}


  • I don´t really know what you mean with attach a link if it´s not the website link.

    I hope it would be this, what you are asking for.

  • All good? Do you need something more or I need to send you something else?

  • We didn't get any message from you yet.
    Please check your mail inbox for our response, look also inside the spam folder.
    If you don't have any message from us, please send your login credentials again.
    Be sure that you sent all required information mentioned in the previous message.

  • I sent you a message at the link you told me. But i Sent you again.

    I send the printscreen confrimation here

  • Did you get any return messages? Please check your inbox for spam as well.
  • Hello i didn't get anything. I check spam also. Can you send it again or solve it here?

  • Please send a login credentials here, we'll remove them as soon as we'll see it.
  • edited May 2019
    removed by the support team

  • edited May 2019
    We found out, that in your options wordpress is not configured correctly, take a look here:

    Then, we removed the '/wp-admin' path from the end of that URL (to make it correct) and then the error appeared: - please do what the error message says:
    "Please contact the server administrator at [email protected] to inform them of the time this error occurred, and the actions you performed just before this error.
    More information about this error may be available in the server error log."

    The time was about 1hour prior to this reply time.

    The problem is probably related to redirections and it can be resolved only by the hosting provider.
    They should solve that problem after taking a look at the logs.

    The website is working fine, but it's not possible to login into the admin settings.
  • I will try to solve it. But can you tell me wht should be the good solution? I'm lost woth all this.
  • To fix this, you would need to edit the database records, and change the siteurl to /wp-admin again. But this will not fix the issue with the options,plugins and pre-built websites not working.
    This will only let us login to wp-admin again.

    We would suggest you contact your hosting provider and explain to him what happened. He should then fix this error by moving your wordpress installation to a correct folder.

    This issue is all about your wordpress beeing not installed correctly.
    Should you have any problems, or the hosting provider refuses to help you in this matter, we will provide assistance in fixing this issue. Please let us know how it goes.
  • Hi, I asked the hosting provider to change the folder and uninstall the wordpress and to install again, and now it´s working normally, thank you so much.

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