Bundled plugins refuse to install

edited June 2019 in Updates & Changelog
Theme: Be|Theme

An attempt on installing bundled plugins ends up with following messages:
PCLZIP_ERR_BAD_FORMAT (-10) : Unable to find End of Central Dir Record signature

These plugins cannot be installed: 
  • BeTheme Header Builder
  • Layer Slider
  • Slider Revolution
  • WPBakery Page Builder
On top of that
when I try to update the theme itself, it reports the same issue: 
An error occurred while updating Betheme: The package could not be installed. PCLZIP_ERR_BAD_FORMAT (-10) : Unable to find End of Central Dir Record signature

All prerequisities are met on my end.


  • Hi,

    Please contact your hosting provider and check if the current PHP version on your server has CURL enabled.

  • Yes, cURL is enabled. ZipArchive is enabled. Max Input Vars is 5000.
  • Any info?
  • I even followed an earlier support discussion that advised de-registering and re-registering the theme. I did all that. Plugins still refuse to install. I'm getting seriously disappointed and frustrated by this, and I'm considering that I'll cancel the purchase because Be|theme is clearly non-functional.
  • This error is not related to the theme itself.
    It's all about the hosting provider, he should recognize the problem by looking at the logs.

    Usually, it's problem with not cURL enabled, did you asked him about it?
    But, you can try to disable all of the plugins, clear the cache of the browser and then try to update the theme.

    Also, be sure that your WP and BeTheme are up to date.
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