what is best size for logo?

It seems like logo shrink to specific size on different screens. Could you tell what is biggest size I can upload?

My client is complaining that logo shrinks too small on bigger screen. I know, logo is too complicated. "Client always right" They want to have this "transitional" logo for now.
What can I do?

Thank you


  • Hello,
    There is no "best size" for logo - it depends of how you would like to see it.
    This logo looks very big right now, but if you would like to make it larger, then you have to upload bigger image and increase the "Height" value.
    Remember, if your logo has 300px of height and you applied the 350px height in height field, then it's not gonna cross the 300px (original source) height of image.

    You cannot "resize" it on a different size at all - but for mobile you can turn on the "Minimal" option or use the Custom CSS to make it smaller.

  • Thank you, I didn't not noticed height value. It was 100px
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