Footer in Safai problem

I am having troubles to view this site in Safari.
This pageхнология/
for example uses custom layout with different background picture, but
in Safari the bottom half of the page is covered with the Footer and it
is white. Only the color texts are visible and notning else. In Firefox
and Chrome the pages are shown corectly. I have to say that the front
page is ok in all of the brousers!


  • Hi,

    Please open your website in Firefox html mode (CTRL+U) and check html errors you got. Please fix them first and all should be fine.
  • Hi, I am not fammiliar with HTML. Is there a simple way to do this? I've got 13 errors by the way.
  • You have to check, if you didn't forgot to embed closing bracket somewhere.
    As can I see, you're missing the </h5> in some places.

    Please find the HTML mistakes, and get rid of them - they are not really complicated.
  • The problem is only in Safary. Everything is fine in Firefox and Chrome. If I have an errors, shouldn't they appear in all browsers?
  • Not every browser is on the same engine, they are a little bit different.
    First of all, you have to fix these HTML errors - it's the common source of problems.

    Also, I see on Safari, that it's working fine:


  • The problem appears only in mobile version of Safari, I forgot to mention that.
  • You still have the HTML mistakes.

    Please close the <p> tag correctly, like </p>, not <p/>
  • Hi, last week I have updated all of texts on the site by using HTMLTidy. Now everuthing should be correct, but the problem persists. As I said before it appears only at Iphone and Ipad, and only on my custom layout pages.

    I thought it might be a footer problem, but even if I hide Footer entirely, this white background still appears.

    I tried to change the custom layout of theese pages to the default one - the situation is the same.

    I noticed on my Ipad that when I rotate the device, the hidden text changes it's position. I mean on Portrait mode a little part of the hidden text appears, in Landscape mode this part is entirely hidden.

    So what is the problem then?

    If it is acceptable, I could give you an access to the admin panel.
  • Also I have another question regarding Custom CSS section. I am triyng to change the default Tab colors from white to transparent. I am using the Firefox's inspect element option for that. In Firefox I can see the changes, but when I paste the in the Custom CSS area, nothing happen!
  • Hey,

    Please send us WordPress dashboard access privately thru the contact form which is on the right side at and we will check what might be the reason.

    Please attach a link to this forum discussion.

  • So, we discovered old code, that shouldn't be.
    I mean, the height:100%, which makes that problem while the html background is inserted.

    I applied the CSS code which will fix that.
  • Hi, and thanks for the assistance.

    Now I noticed another problem, which appeares only in Iphone and Ipad. The background picture is too streched,and obviously can't be seen. On the Android devices everything is fine. I tried to change your custom CSS code for  background-size:cover to another type, but without sucsess.
  • The problem is with the "fixed" background-attachment you set, because
    in iOS this property is disabled by the OS and we can do nothing at all.
    To make the image work fine on every device, you would have to change the background-size to contain and repeat it to the end of the website.

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