2 issues

hi there,

i'm not really sure what's happening, but my website is showing 2 weird issues. one of them just recently started to happen, and it did started one day after the recent theme update you guys provided.

the first issue is happening in all my portfolio pages. the images in it are crawling over each other and over the portfolio slider that all my pages have on the bottom of it. you can see it for yourself: http://publica.art/en/portfolio/cura-lagoinha-eng/ and you can check the other portfolio pages under the 'Projects' menu. 
the thing is, sometimes it happens and sometimes it doesn't. when the problem does happen all i have to do is reload the page and it comes back to normal. below you can see the pictures links showing the errors in 3 different pages: 

the second issue, which coincidentally (or not) started happening the same time you guys were releasing a theme update is that my website is multilingual and both languages were working fine (it's been almos a month that i finished building the website and was waiting for other people to revise it). then recently sometimes only one language shows. i mean, the entire website in the second language just stops showing up. and if i reload the pages it does not go back to normal. i had to wait untill it came back. i've checked all my language settings, and even deleted and deactivated some plugins i was not using anymore. still, the same error occurred.

thank you for your time!


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