Hide Header Extras - Action Button in Secondary Menu

As per discussion title, how do I hide the Header Extras - Action Button in Secondary Menu? Meaning it only visible in the Main Menu not the other.


  • Hello,
    I do not quite understand.
    Can you send us a link to your website?
  • Hi, in wordpress you have different menu for different page. but for Action Button under BeTheme options the button appear in all of the menu. i want the action button appear in 1 menu only
  • Yes, because Action Button is independent of menu - menu is in "Top_bar_left" container and action button in "Top_bar_right".
    This feature by default is made to display on all of the pages and menus.

    There is no simple way to remove it on certain menu, also the CSS code won't be solution here.
    Sorry, but this is not possible to achieve - it would require the theme files customizations or reconstruction the menu.

    What I mean is, to disable the Action Button and attach the link which was there into the menu, then style the last element of that menu with simple CSS code to make it look like the button.

  • "What I mean is, to disable the Action Button and attach the link which was there into the menu, then style the last element of that menu with simple CSS code to make it look like the button."

    How do i do that?
  • Disable the "Action Button" in Theme Options > Menu & Action Bar> Action Bar
    Then go to the Appearance > Menus and apply the last menu item as custom item and apply the css class for it. https://prnt.sc/pr1m3d
    If you don't see that field, please enable it in "Screen Options" on the top of this page.

    Then, just style it with CSS to make it look like the button.
  • What is the CSS for action button in Event 3 pre-built theme?
  • It's all in the inspector of the browser.
    But, remember, you don't have to style it to be the same as the action button - you can style it as you want.

    Please send us a link to your website.
  • I dont have knowledge of CSS so im not sure which value is the correct one when Inspect in the browser. hope you can provide me the values that i need to paste in the css class uner the Menu
  • Please send us a link to your website as I asked you to do that.
    I need to create the CSS code first and I have to be sure that it will be working after sending it hre.
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