I'm not sure what exactly do you mean - but you can try to create it as your html structure using the column item, because you can use the HTML coding there.
Also, you can do it using the Muffin Builder, just create a structure which will be similar to what you told.
But still having issue getting it to turn the right direction. I can't get it to go from bottom to top similar to example i sent. It keeps going from top to bottom orientation.
On the home page, want to separate the logos in the section tilted "Relied Upon By" by type. So trying to create a "Retail" , "Restaurant" & "Commercial" section and have those titles on the far left with text reading from bottom to top. make sense? SO text will look like this example: https://prntscr.com/qd8y0s
That make sense
Rather simple explanation I thought. See example below: