theme-shortcodes.php doesn't work in betheme-child


I have two questions about betheme-child:

I wanted to change a part in theme-shortcodes.php. I use the child theme, so I added a folder named "functions" and copied the original theme-shortcodes.php into that folder. Then I edited the file but the changes didn't change anything. The edited theme-shortcodes.php must stay in the parent theme's "functions" folder to take effect.

I copied the original functions.php. to betheme-child and added some woocommerce functions. The result was a blank page. After deleting the original functions.php in the parent theme it works.

....but then a child theme is useless.

Where is the (or my) mistake?


  • Hi,

    at 1st please update theme to latest version (6.3) because we did some fixes for child theme :) And 2nd, please take a look at because now everything should work exactly the same way.

    Hope this will help you a lot.
  • Thanks, the problem with the functions.php is solved with the 6.3 update. But the /functions/theme-shortcodes.php is still totally ignored.

    I studied

    "If you want to change more than just the stylesheet, your child theme
    can override any file in the parent theme: simply include a file of the
    same name in the child theme directory, and it will override the
    equivalent file in the parent theme directory when your site loads."

    But it does not. I couldn't find the mistake. The modified /functions/theme-shortcodes.php only works in the parent theme. :-/
  • Hi,

    please try this:

    Copy the betheme/functions/theme-shortcodes.php to betheme-child/functions. Then edit a shortcut a bit and see what happens. I bet the change will be ignored.

    The funny thing is, that I edited lots of the files in the woocommerce folder and it works like expected.

  • When you use child theme, all changes must be done in functions.php file. If you want to use the same file as we do (theme-shortcodes.php) you must use require_once() function in functions.php to include this file.

    functions.php file should look like below:
    1. <?php

      /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
       * White Label
       * --------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
      define( 'WHITE_LABEL', false );

      /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
       * Enqueue Style
       * --------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
      add_action( 'wp_enqueue_scripts', 'enqueue_parent_theme_style', 101 );
      function enqueue_parent_theme_style() {
          wp_enqueue_style( 'mfn-parent-style', get_template_directory_uri() .'/style.css' );
          wp_enqueue_style( 'mfn-child-style', get_stylesheet_directory_uri() .'/style.css' );

      /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
       * Shortcodes
       * --------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
          function sc_alert( $attr, $content = null )
                  'style'        => 'warning',
              ), $attr));

              switch( $style ){
                  case 'error':
                      $icon = 'icon-alert';
                  case 'info':
                      $icon = 'icon-help';
                  case 'success':
                      $icon = 'icon-check';
                      $icon = 'icon-lamp';
      //         $output  = '<div class="alert alert_'. $style .'">';
      //             $output  .= '<div class="alert_icon">';
      //                 $output .= '<i class="'. $icon .'"></i>';
      //             $output .= '</div>';
      //             $output .= '<div class="alert_wrapper">';
      //                 $output .= do_shortcode( $content );
      //             $output .= '</div>';
      //             $output .= '<a href="#" class="close"><i class="icon-cancel"></i></a>';
      //         $output .= '</div>'."\n";

              $output  = 'MY ALERT CODE';

              return $output;

  • Thank you, now it works! =D>
    Have a great day!
  • We're very happy to hear that this works now :) You're welcome!
  • Hi, I have the same problem, but your solution seems not working.
    If I insert a require_once('functions/theme-shortcodes.php') or even require_once( LIBS_DIR .'/theme-shortcodes.php' ) in my betheme-child/functions.php, my website stop working (I think it's due to duplicated functions declaration in PHP).

    Where I'm wrong?

    Can you help me?

    Thanks in advance
  • @bmarini Please check because for sure you did something wrong while creating child theme.
  • Hi, my child seems to be ok.
    When I try to include the theme-shortcodes.php in my functions.php, the PHP error shown is:

    Fatal error: Call to undefined function mfn_opts_get() in [mypath]/wp-content/themes/betheme-child/functions/theme-shortcodes.php on line 4417
  • @bmarini You can only include functions from this file. You can't include whole file.
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