theme-shortcodes.php doesn't work in betheme-child
I have two questions about betheme-child:
I wanted to change a part in theme-shortcodes.php. I use the child theme, so I added a folder named "functions" and copied the original theme-shortcodes.php into that folder. Then I edited the file but the changes didn't change anything. The edited theme-shortcodes.php must stay in the parent theme's "functions" folder to take effect.
I copied the original functions.php. to betheme-child and added some woocommerce functions. The result was a blank page. After deleting the original functions.php in the parent theme it works.
....but then a child theme is useless.
Where is the (or my) mistake?
I have two questions about betheme-child:
I wanted to change a part in theme-shortcodes.php. I use the child theme, so I added a folder named "functions" and copied the original theme-shortcodes.php into that folder. Then I edited the file but the changes didn't change anything. The edited theme-shortcodes.php must stay in the parent theme's "functions" folder to take effect.
I copied the original functions.php. to betheme-child and added some woocommerce functions. The result was a blank page. After deleting the original functions.php in the parent theme it works.
....but then a child theme is useless.
Where is the (or my) mistake?
at 1st please update theme to latest version (6.3) because we did some fixes for child theme
Hope this will help you a lot.
I studied
"If you want to change more than just the stylesheet, your child theme
can override any file in the parent theme: simply include a file of the
same name in the child theme directory, and it will override the
equivalent file in the parent theme directory when your site loads."
But it does not. I couldn't find the mistake. The modified /functions/theme-shortcodes.php only works in the parent theme. :-/
please try this:
Copy the betheme/functions/theme-shortcodes.php to betheme-child/functions. Then edit a shortcut a bit and see what happens. I bet the change will be ignored.
The funny thing is, that I edited lots of the files in the woocommerce folder and it works like expected.
functions.php file should look like below:
Have a great day!