Can you please provide me the the custom CSS that comes with the BeZoo theme. I accidentally deleted it and now my header images are not scaling correctly.
Thank you for your response. I was hoping this would fix the issue I was having with the header image, but it did not. When I upload a header image for a POST using the page options at the bottom, the image is scaled incorrectly. It only shows the upper left corner of the image instead of the whole image and it is not responsive.
How can I show the entire header image and have it be responsive.
I have used Revolution Slider for a lot of my main pages, but I wanted to use a simple header that I can upload through the page options for some of my secondary pages.
If you want to adjust the position of that image, please go to the Theme Options > Header & Subheader > Header and try to change position and size, I hope you will find the one, which will fit.