facebook pixel and google tag manager

edited February 2020 in Other
Hi, is there a way to add Facebook pixel code and google tag manager code to head of page, without installing plugins "insert headers and footers" or something similar?? and maybe without changing the theme files, so that updates don't reset the original files. any help is welcomed


the plugin, this and similar one is causing top white line with symbols, show here:

I tried adding the codes to SEO part of theme options, but line still shows

also, how to add code after body tag, if you can help, please


  • Hello,
    Please go to the Theme Options > Global > Hooks, there you can insert any code you want.
  • edited February 2020
    ok, but that only allows the insertion of code after <body>, not into head, am I wrong??

    also, this didn't remove the white line on top of page

    thank you for your help
  • If you want to provide some content into the <head> tag, please go to the Theme Options > SEO, you should use the "Google Analytics" or "Facebook Pixel" fields to provide this kind of code.
  • Like I mentioned in my first post, I already tried it, but the white line persists. I did your method with code injection, but is there a way to remove the white line appearing because of the code?? I am probably doing something wrong, because I am surely not the first one using facebook pixel or gtm codes... I am trying to get rid of white line on top of page

    any help is welcome.

    thank you in advance
  • Please paste that CSS code into the Theme Options > Custom CSS & JS > CSS
    html .no-shadows #Wrapper{
    margin-top:-28px !important;
  • you're a genius, awesome.... thank you
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