How can I style the Top Bar menu on scroll with sticky header?
Hi All
I have a frustrating problem and can't find anything on here to help... I'm doing some mods on a client website (written by someone else) to make it look better on a tablet and, not being very familiar with the depths of Betheme I'm struggling to get the styling on the sticky header top bar menu to work. It's not built using the header builder plugin and i reckoned it would be an easyish CSS tweak, but am struggling. I've managed to figure out how to get the default header to look ok on a tablet (see first pic below) but can't figure out how to do the same on scroll with the sticky header (see second pic below). All I need is some help with the CSS to style the top bar menu when it's sticky (please!)
This is the header before scolling (ignore the yellow and crushed menu items - that's me playing in CSS trying to work out what I need to do!). The header after scrolling is below
this is the header after scrolling: