Pagination on pages

What is the best way to add pagination to a page (no post or portfolio)?

For instance, I have this page:

Every week we add new videos content, but we need to link the new pages and the old pages with pagination.


Lázaro Batule


  • Hello,
    Without the blog or portfolio it will be really hard, because we do not have any feature for navigation for regular pages.
    You can use the "Sidebar Widget" item or just a sidebar, with widget named "Pages" inserted.
    It will look like this, but it will display all of the pages available on the page:

    Or just add a link to new video on the bottom of the muffin builder.
  • Thank you for your reply. Following your recommendation, I moved to posts ( I would like a design like, but I unable to achieve this using the available templates in the Muffin options for posts. When I choose "Builder" as a template is like what I want, but the comments are not available... I would like to insert at the bottom the comments like here (

    Regarding pagination, what is the right way for posts?

  • Hey,
    sorry but the builder does now have comments.

    The navigation for posts is simple, everything is set in theme options>blog.
    1. Set the max number of posts per page - navigation will appear on the bottom if the limit is exceeded.
    2. Do not use load more or jquery filtering if you have pagination enabled. In those options, all posts have to be loaded on the page, so the max number of posts has to be a very large number.
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