Hiding Subheader Image


On this page: https://www.citrinepublishing.com/books/voices/ -- I have selected "On" for Subheader | Hide (under "Options"), however part of the image (that is usually behind the subheader) is still present on this page above the content. How do I hide the image completely?

For contrast, please see this page where I have NOT hidden the Subheader (the image is showing in full): https://www.citrinepublishing.com/books/praying-on-empty/

I would like to hide this subheader and the image behind it only on certain pages of the site, not all of them.

Thank you for your assistance.


  • Hello,
    those are two different things. If the subheader is hidden then the header image is shown. Please go to theme options>header&subheader>header and enable minimalist option: without header space.
    This will remove th header space with the image when there is no subheader.
  • Thank you, it works well! One follow-up question:

    It seems to have shortened the height on the image behind the subheader (where it is still present on a page like this: https://www.citrinepublishing.com/) ... where can the height of that image be controlled?

    Thank you for your assistance.
  • Hey,
    this is how your padding is set up for the subheader. Please go to theme options>header&subheader>subheader and change the padding values. You have a low one for the top padding and a bigger for the bottom padding.

    They are inserted like this: 30px 0 90px
    Which means 30px top padding, 90px bottom padding, 0px side padding
  • Awesome, thanks so much!
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