Outdated version of WPBakery Page Builder Design Options

Downloaded the BeTheme and installed it and the plugins.

How do I get rid of this annoying notification? (searched this forum, but found no results with solutions)

"Important notice: You have an outdated version of WPBakery Page Builder Design Options. It is required to review and save it.

Open Design Options" <- this is a link in the message

"Design Options" doesn't even exist, thus the error notice when you click on the link, "Sorry, you are not allowed to access this page."

So, How do I get rid of this annoying notification?



  • Hello,
    Please update your plugin to the latest version in the BeTheme > Install Plugins

    Also, be sure that your BeTheme is up to date.
  • edited May 2020
    Thanks, Pablo.

    You need to understand that this is a new purchase and installation of the theme, and that ALL of the plugins are current and up-to-date. (I even compared version numbers of mine to the screen shot.  All the same.)

    YET, this message persists.

    Anything else?

    Is there a setting in the database I can change so this goes away?


  • Hey,

    Please send us WordPress dashboard access privately thru the contact form which is on the right side at http://themeforest.net/user/muffingroup#contact and we will check what might be the reason.

    Please attach a link to this forum discussion.

  • Done.

    Please let me know how you resolve this issue.

    Thank you.
  • Please remove that plugin and install it from BeTheme > Install Plugins, it should solve the problem.
    But, before that, please make a backup for safety, with this plugin:

    Your content and theme options should not be removed, because all of these informations are stored in the database, but for safety reasons, make a backup.
  • Pablo,

    The only time I installed this plugin was through the BeTheme > Install Plugins process.

    Nevertheless, I did as you said, uninstalled it, and installed it AGAIN via BeTheme > Install Plugins, and the message is STILL there.

    Please stop telling me to do the same thing over and over again expecting a different outcome.  I need a solution.

    Let me know where the switch is in the database so I can turn it off whenever it comes back.

    Thank you.
  • BTW, BeTheme updated this morning and ALL the plugins are up to date, and the message is still there.
  • Ok.

    Add this to your solution tool kit.

    I went to my database and searched all tables for "WPBakery".

    There were 3 hits in "wp_options".

    1 of them was directly related to "The7" theme, the theme I currently use on my production site.

    When I created my staging site I deleted all the plugins that came with that theme BEFORE I activated and ran he plugin installations of BeTheme.

    Evidently, the deletion of the previous theme's bundled plugins left an artifact behind, and that was causing the notification that would not go away.

    I deleted that 1 record and the notification went away.  I have not seen any negative effects from that deletion.

    It may not be an elegant solution, but it appears to have worked for me.

  • This issue is a new, we didn't seen it yet - so we are trying to find a proper solution, it looked like this is the source because of not proper install.
    Since you have a lot of plugins enabled, they could interrupt the process of installing.

    But, after changing the theme to other, the issue still exists - so the problem is on WPBakery side, so I think that the problem could be with settings of your plugin.
    Then, I get into the WPBakery > Design Options and I resaved the options as mentioned in the error message and it disappeared.

  • edited May 2020

    WPBakery > Design Options didn't exist with BeTheme, as I'm sure you know.

    If you reactivated The7 theme, it would have reinstalled its version of WPBakery, and Design Options would have been available, and evidently would have reset that entry.

    I'm back in there and reactivated The7 theme.

    Now I reactivated BeTheme theme.  There is no message.  Good.

    The solution could have been a combination of the DB record deletion and the flipping on and off again The7 theme.  But, it could have been as simple as activating The7 theme, going to WPBakery -> Design Options and saving the settings, then reactivating Betheme.

    Deleting the bundled The7 plugins before activating the new theme could have caused the issue and the artifact, instead of just activating the BeTheme and going from there.

    Either way, others looking for a solution could implement either or both options.

    Thank you for sticking with me.

  • Glad to hear that it's solved out.
    So, is there anything else I can help you with?
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