Broken website, how can I update BeTheme?

Hi! I created a website for someone a while back using BeTheme and left it with them with instructions to keep plugins etc updated. It's now showing all kinds of errors but most importantly this one:

Fatal error: Uncaught Error: [] operator not supported for strings in (website address)/wp-content/themes/betheme/functions/meta-functions.php:4554 Stack trace: #0 (website address)/wp-content/themes/betheme/page.php(24): mfn_builder_print(48) #1 (website address) /wp-includes/template-loader.php(106): include('/home/.......') #2 (website address)/wp-blog-header.php(19): require_once('/home/......') #3 (website address)/index.php(17): require('/home/.....') #4 {main} thrown in (website address)/wp-content/themes/betheme/functions/meta-functions.php on line 4554

I have found instructions online about how update the theme through the BeTheme menu but this doesn't appear as an option for us. Can anyone advise how I do this please? Or download the latest so I can upload it as a zip file?

Debugging is currently on and displayed. It only shows the menu, if I create a new page, this displays correctly and also the footer does. But in the meantime I cannot edit any content on existing pages - it just looks like each page is blank but I know content is there because I can see it when I export a backup xml of the site content (also maybe an issue with the visual composer?)



  • Actually which page editor is included with BeTheme? I have two installed, I think it was the "WPBakery Visual Composer" one that I used to build our site, but this mentions there is an update available, but clicking on anything to do with this plugin just says "Plugin not found."
    Has this changed to a paid-for version so I can't update it?

    I have created an account with "Visual Composer" and tried to use this but this doesn't show the content that's saved in page, it just acts like every page is blank.

    I'm assuming the content I have saved will only be visible with whatever visual composer was used to create it?
  • Hi,

    Please provide us with your hosting environment settings, to do that please follow these steps:
    1) Go to the Wordpress > Tools > Site Health
    2) Click at the “Info” on the top of the page and open the “Server” tab
    3) Take a screenshot of the content inside that ‘Server’ tab
    Please make sure you are using Wordpress 5.2 or later, previous versions did not have this option built in.

    Please use or to host the screenshot and send us the link to it.
    Also, please attach a link to your website.

    In BeTheme, you can use WPBakery, Muffin Builder or Elementor plugin.
  • Hi, sure, here is the Server status

    Basically any page that already has content created by the Visual Composer makes the site only display the header. I added this page as new and this make the whole site display correctly.

    Wordpress has recently been re-installed. Debugging is currently switched off but I can turn this on again if that helps?

    Is BeTheme packaged with any particular one of those visual builders? (we created this site about 4 years ago) so just trying to find what we used, as that will more likely be able to view/edit the page content.

  • 1) Please contact your hosting provider, and ask him about increasing the max input vars to min 5000 value, because right now, it's really small.

    2) Your theme is really outdated, you should update it as soon as possible.
    Here is an instruction on how to update the theme:
    Theme updates will not delete your content unless you have changed the
    files directly in which case we suggest using a child theme.
    We also recommend creating a backup file.
    Please remove the theme completely from your theme folder and install a
    fresh copy. Do not overwrite files.
  • Thanks, I have downloaded the Theme and plugins again that were out of date, the email address used to buy these was retired so we weren't informed of updates, we assumed Wordpress would have told of these but I guess these work differently!

    We have found it was Muffin builder used to create the pages, there is still something weird happening on the site with text going really tiny when we turn off WP debugging (still on and thankfully not showing anything),but hopefully we can fix it from here now. Now working. 

    Thanks so much for your help, much appreciated!
  • Well, the small text issue is usually related to the not saved theme options correctly.
    Please go to the Theme Options and resave them.
  • Thanks, that fixed the site but unfortunately wiped all the content created with Muffin, but that seemed kinda broken so we have recreated everything using WPBakery.

    We got there in the end, thanks for all your help!
  • Resaving the theme options does not have rights to wipe the content created with Muffin Builder or WPBakery.

    If you have some further questions, feel free to ask.
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