Mobile Logo Padding

edited June 2020 in Menu / Mega menu

I need to play with the logo padding on mobile - as you can see from the screenshot, it collides with the navigation menu.

I managed to use CSS for the vertical padding but it seems that for horizontal padding I cannot use negative values. I just need to move the logo to the left possibly with the same left padding like the hamburger menu's right padding.

Also - I need to decrease the header height little bit as there is too much space below.

Thanks for help. It's this website.

padding-left:0px  !important;
                padding-top:20px  !important;



  • Hello,
    please do not use any custom code. Just use the minimalist setting in theme options>responsive>header for the logo.
    If the logo is too big, upload a smaller logo just for mobile devices in theme optioons>responsive>header.
  • edited June 2020
    Even if I use smaller logo and Minimal settings for responsive header, it looks like this. 

    I really need to align it with the navigation menu on the other side - same padding and same vertical alignment.

    I reckon it's 20px from the top and 20px from the left side.

    Well, I used to code above and 15px top padding and it seems right.

    if there is another way to do it without a code, I'll be glad to know. Thanks.

  • Hey,
    from what I see on the phone, the logo is aligned fine:
    Maybe try to check if your phone has cache cleared.
  • It is now.

    I still had to use 20px top padding, without this the logo was all the way to the top of the screen.

    But it's solved now.
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