Header Bulider mobile problem

edited August 2020 in Menu / Mega menu
Selecting the option in the Arrows for items with submenu menu and on the desktop you can see an arrow for the submenu, ok, but with mobile you can see both the arrow and the + sign, as if double.

What to do to make this + sign disappear so that the arrow is also mobile?

There are now two arrow markings.


How to remove the plus sign for a submenu so that there is an arrow.

Another mistake. Not only does it show plus and arrow on a mobile basis, but I click arrow, the menu unfolds and the arrow on the right is visible again, and there is no next sub-menu, there are some errors with this submenu.


  • Hello,
    could you please send us a link to your website.
    Did you try to update the theme to the newest version, I saw this issue a long time ago and it was fixed.
  • edited August 2020
    Hello, I am using the latest version of the theme and this is the problem.

    I would like to add that Header Bulider has this problem.
  • We would need a link to your website to inspect the code and see what is the issue. We cannot give you any advice just by looking at a screenshot.
  • Will this bug be fixed?
  • Hello,
    Please paste that CSS code into Theme Options > Custom CSS & JS > CSS
    .menu-item a::after{display: none !important;}
  • I don't fully understand, I have to paste additional CSS code to fix the problem? Why is this not a removed theme update?
  • The code provided does not resolve the issue. In the mobile menu I have the + sign, I want the down arrow sign> as it was visible without adding CSS code. Same arrow as in the main menu.

    CSS code is not needed, I can do the same by unchecking the options in the "Arrows for items with submenu" mobile menu, but the arrow disappears, the + sign appears.
  • Please use this CSS code instead:
    content:'\e869' !important;
  • Unfortunately, the code works mobile, but the desktop crumbles the page menu.
  • I mixed these two code, and it will change on mobile only:
    content:'\e869' !important;

    .menu-item a::after{display: none !important;}
  • Still not the complete code, like a plus sign has two states, open turns to a negative, so the arrow should turn to an upside down, here it is invariant.

    Why is this bug not fixed in the theme files so that the "Arrows for items with submenu" option works mobile, not just on the desktop.
  • We never had any functionality that made the icon turn an upside down, sorry but it's not included in the theme code.
    I just changed the icon to what you wanted - if you want I can try to change the color of it when it's active.

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