After Update signs "?>" on top of page and no image for post

edited May 2015 in Other
Did the latest update to 7.6. Now the signs "?>" show on top of page! Also can's select image for post, because media query loops endless.


How to get rid of it?


  • No, this does not come with update for sure. You got it because of errors you got in html code. This could be related with one of your plugins or with modifications you did.
  • The strange thing is, that the code is also on wp-login.php where no plug in or theme is beeing loaded. This is the first line of wp-login.php:

    ?><!DOCTYPE html>

    Could this be an error of WP update? Any other idea?
  • You have edited a file and that's why you got a problem now. If you will update theme files via FTP, everything should be fine because this issue does not come with default theme files.
  • I updated theme files via FTP and WP via dashboard. I did not edit any theme files or wp files. There is just some custom css in theme options.

    Really don't know, what to do now.
  • edited May 2015
    Also strange that after deactivating some plug ins there are strange characters in wp backend and frontend like "


    Could there be some server misbehavior?

  • Really strange: after updating theme for the third time everythings fine again.
  • It means you modified files somewhere :)
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