how to get rid of prebuild portfolio top items

Hi. How to get rid of the prebuild portfolio items? I wouldn't like featured photo to display on the top of portfolio item and also I would like to get rid of that counter and grid icon above the photo.


  • Hello,

    To remove the porfolio items, please, go to "Portfolio", and after hovering over item click on "Trash".

    To get rid of counter, please, go to: Betheme -> Theme options -> Blog, Portfolio & Shop -> General, and turn OFF "Love Box".


  • Thank you but that is not exactly what I was asking for. Sorry if I wasn't clear. When you go to the portfolio page and using Theme Builder you will find out that when you preview page there is counter and also these 4 blocks on the top of your page. I would like to get rid of that item. Also I wouldn't like my Featured photo to display on top of the page. If I switch to Builder these elements are not active but also Related portfolio posts are disappearing. I want to keep Related portfolio post on the bottom but get rid of the counter and 4 square boxes and featured photo displaying on top of my portfolio page (like in attached photo - using example from your Default theme; I want to get away with all crossed out items).

  • To remove items you pointed on your screenshot, please, go to: Betheme -> Theme options -> Blog, Portfolio & Shop -> General, and select "Hide Header Arrows", and turn OFF "Love Box".

    To remove the Featured image, please, edit your portfolio item and, from the sidebar on the right, click on "Featured image" and "Remove featured image".

    The settings for related project are placed in Betheme -> Theme options -> Blog, Portfolio & Shop -> Portfolio.

    I hope that is what you wanted to achieve ?

    If not, just let me know, and I will try my best to help you.

    Best regards

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