Menu two lines of items
I am using SPA2 Demo to built my website. And using the Classic header style. I can only put 5 items in the menu and woocomerece cart logo. If i put 6th item in the menu it goes super down and under the subheader. Please help me how to achieve this
I want two lines of menu.
my website link
To achieve that, you will have to use Header Builder plugin.
Please, check the following links how to use it.
Thank you for the solution.
I tried the above but it messes with the Woocomerece pages. Since woocomerece takes the styless from the theme not from the plugin. all woocomerece pages show different header than the normal pages.
Can you explain me greater what is happening, please?
Because I went to the shop page at your website and it looks fine.
Actually I stopped using the Header builder plugin. Reverted back to the header options and put my extra menu items in sub-menu.
That is why these are looking fine at this moment.
Thank you so much for your support. I will get back to you if my client requested to change the view.