Bugs em Icones de redes sociais e outros
Approximately six months ago I bought a license of the Betheme by site Themeforest in order to update my portfolio site, Where at present I use the tempalte Dgital.
However I have been noticing some bugs a bit lousy relative to social media and of listing of services as Bullet Character, Where visualisation errors are happening, little square is showing up and this has been very harmful to me as, despite the fact that I have been using the children thema. Every time this happens I need to deactivate it and reactivate the children thema.
Please, I need some help with support to solve this problem, considering that I still have four months of support for this license.
The prints follow in attachment, I expect a repliy as soon as possible.
Please always attach a link so we can check it out. If the page is offline(localhost) then our help will be limited, you will have to contact us when the page is online. Also please make sure that the page is not under maintenance before you provide us the link.
Does this issue appears when you have only parent theme activated?
My website is on the maintenance screen because I haven't finished it yet, but I'm going to disable the maintenance screen in order to see it. Answering your question, I am not using the thema father, I use the son, however, this problem started to happen a few weeks ago, I believe it was after the last update of thema. So, whenever this happens, I need to deactivate the child and reactivate him.
I also took the opportunity to comment on someone else's post talking about the same subject where you can see this link: https://bit.ly/3thXTuh
My website is: https://emd.art.br/
I think I found out what the problem is, but I need to know how to solve it, could you please explain to me how to solve this?
fontawesome problem, where in the console aqcusa that, in several URL's is missing https and only has http.
See the print: https://prnt.sc/y1tfwj
I think I managed to solve it, it was a plugin that I don't even know or remember if it was I installed it called: WP Font Awesome
This shit was causing this !!
https://prnt.sc/y1uf8rBut now I have another problem that was also happening and that I didn’t comment before, which is this, moving away from the header at the top of the site, it turns and moves this happens and I always have to refresh the page (refresh) to get back to normal.
Please, turn off all of the plugins, refresh your cache, and check if this issue appears then.
Also, please, switch your child theme to parent theme, and check if it works then.