Transport 3 Pre-built website not available
I purchased this theme as it advertised this pre-built website was included. Now that I'm ready to install, it doesn't seem available.
Please advise.
I purchased this theme as it advertised this pre-built website was included. Now that I'm ready to install, it doesn't seem available.
Please advise.
Can you explain to me greater what is happening, please?
Is there any error message when you try to install that pre-built website?
If yes, please, attach a screenshot of this error.
Shown below, on the BeTheme sales/purchase page ( it shows these three templates are included (search transport; I want transport3)
Shown below, after installation, when I go to install, only TRANSPORT is available (Transport2 and Transport 3 are not there)
I bought BeTheme for Transport 3 but it's not there.
Thank you for your assistance.
Do you have the newest version of Betheme (22.0)? If not, please, update it, and check if this demo appears.
If you already have version 22.0, please, turn off all of the plugins, and check if this issue still persists.
That did it!
Thanks so much for the support.