Don't work only in mobile
Hi, I have the Betheme and I am using slider revolution to make an introduction on my page. I can see this introduction on the computer on the tablet but I can't see it on the mobile.
I have checked all the possibilities that are explained in the forum about having or not having certain options activated.
The same slider works for me on other websites, but this is not it.
Please always attach a link to your website so we can check it out. If the page is offline(localhost), then our help will be limited. You will have to contact us when the page is online. Also, please make sure that the page is not under maintenance before you provide us the link.
It is always a good idea to also attach a screenshot showing your issue.
Hello, I have three exactly the same web pages but in different languages.
In two of them and the slide revolution works well on the mobile. I have used the chrome inspector and I figured it is done with version 6.4.3 on both pages.
While does not work the slider revolution on mobile and the chrome inspector indicates that it is made with version 6.4.6 of the Slider Revolution.
I attach images from the google inspector.
I have checked on mobile this website:, and the slider works.
Can you describe me in more detial what is happening, please?
Did you check it on other devices and/or browsers?
Best regards
I use my iPhone 12 Pro Max with the safari and don't can see the Slider. I close the safari app and star again and don't word slider.
After that I use the chrome App navigator to use and can't see anything.
Thanks you
Please, turn off all of the plugins except Slider Revolution, refresh your cache, and check if this issue still appears.