Please send us WordPress dashboard access privately thru the contact form, which is on the right side at, and we will check what might be the reason.
Please attach a link to this forum discussion and your license key.
I needed your dashboard access to deregister and register your license key through the dashboard. After that, I was able to access the license key manager.
Can you explain to me greater what is happening?
On what page can you not log in?
Is there any error message when you try to update the Betheme? If yes, please, send me a screenshot showing it.
Hi, on the licensing page for the theme.
I enter the license code, I enter the user name and it does not let me in
This tool is only for deregistering and managing registered keys.
If you want to register your license, please, go to Betheme -> Dashboard.
Check the following video tutorial on how to register it.
Yes, I know before I was able to enter, these days I can't access anymore.
My username is " piuomeno "
Please send us WordPress dashboard access privately thru the contact form, which is on the right side at, and we will check what might be the reason.
Please attach a link to this forum discussion and your license key.
I would like to go back to the licensing manager. I sent the message as requested
You did not send a link to your website and login credentials to it (username and password) in the private message.
Can you send a private message again, but with these informations, please?
yes I send them to you but the problem is not on my site, but on the site that manages the licenses
I needed your dashboard access to deregister and register your license key through the dashboard. After that, I was able to access the license key manager.
Please, check this out.