Text Editor Mode


How can I get out of the text editor



  • Hello,

    Can you explain what do you exactly mean? There is a "Save" button or "X" button, you can use both to exit.


  • Yes, I don't want the text editor view (with HTML) ... as is seen in the above attachment. I want the visual view.

    Ex. efsdgfdgfdgdfgfgdfgfg<ul>

    <li>Sodales hac ullamcorper lectus odio pulvinar id nam laoreet pellentesque ipsum.</li>

    <li>Rutrum donec curabitur ornare turpis lacinia taciti inceptos vulputate purus.</li>

    <li>Donec himenaeos vestibulum curabitur litora et mattis ante ullamcorper morbi integer sit dictumst ultricies pellentesque.</li>


  • Then please do not use the "Column" item, but "Visual Editor" instead.

    The column item is not a WYSIWYG.


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