"hide on Desktop | 960+" doesn´t work
I have a problem with the muffin builder.
I have a section where I changed the Responsive visibility to "hide on Desktop | 960+".
The section still appears on the screen. There is no "hide-desktop" class in the section.
Even if I add hide-desktop manually as a CSS class, the section still appears.
I tried everything (delete section, make new section, reload page).
It seems as if it is always the last section which has the issue.
Any hints?
Please share with us your PHPINFO file. It's really necessary right now.
If you do not know how to do it, please check this topic:
Here is my PHPINFO: https://10-0-0-1.de/phpinfo.html
You have a low max input vars value.
Please, contact your hosting provider and ask to increase it to at least 5000.
After that, your issue should be gone.