Is it possible to block the loading of fonts and icons that are not used by the theme?
Hi, as per the subject, we wanted to know if it is possible to disable the icons and fonts that are not used and how we can do it.
Hi, as per the subject, we wanted to know if it is possible to disable the icons and fonts that are not used and how we can do it.
Betheme does not load fonts or icons you do not use on your website.
Can you point me to what exactly you are talking about, please?
Please, attach screenshots and a link to your website.
Hi, as we are trying to do some optimizations, we would like the site not to load icons and fonts that we do not want. Example: if betheme in h1 uses Roboto font-weight 700, we would like not to load the whole Roboto family, but only this font-weight 700.
I can send you the link privately, what can I do?
You can disable loading this font-weight in Betheme -> Theme options -> Fonts -> Family.