change icon and modify link ; custom in action bar


1/ how can i change the icons in the action bar

exactly would like change :

  • the first phone for a moble icon
  • the second phone for a mouse

2/ i would like use the actual second phone, or other, using a custom link

exactly would like to create this link : <a href="">rdv en ligne</a>

3/ can i change order of different action

exactly slogan / mobile / mail / rdv en ligne

4/ why slogan disappear on mobile ?

thank you


  • Hi,

    1, 2, 3) These changes require file customization what in reference to Item Support Policy is not allowed.

    So if you want to modify files and don't know how, you should contact your web developer. Item Policy says:

    Item support does not include services to modify or extend the item beyond the original features, style, and functionality described on the item page. For customization services that will help you tailor the item to your specific requirements, we recommend contacting the author to see if they privately offer paid customization services or checking out the great service providers on Envato Studio.

    4) By default it is hidden by CSS code. However, this CSS can be overwritten by another one. Please, let me know if you need help with writing it.


  • hi,

    ty. OK.

    so could you at least tell me where is the code to change in which file of the theme ?

    i will try my self.

    in theory just have to copy/paste the good code section from betheme theme to child theme and modify ?

    but i don't khnow where to search

    thank you

  • The file responsible for that is in /betheme/includes/include-slogan.php.


  • when i copy/past the code

    <ul class="contact_details">


      if ($header_slogan = mfn_opts_get('header-slogan')) {

       echo '<li class="slogan">'. do_shortcode(wp_kses($header_slogan, mfn_allowed_html('desc'))) .'</li>';


      if ($header_phone = mfn_opts_get('header-phone')) {

       echo '<li class="phone"><i class="icon-phone"></i><a href="tel:'. esc_attr(str_replace(' ', '', $header_phone)) .'">'. esc_html($header_phone) .'</a></li>';


      if ($header_phone_2 = mfn_opts_get('header-phone-2')) {

       echo '<li class="phone"><i class="icon-phone"></i><a href="tel:'. esc_attr(str_replace(' ', '', $header_phone_2)) .'">'. esc_html($header_phone_2) .'</a></li>';


      if ($header_email = mfn_opts_get('header-email')) {

       echo '<li class="mail"><i class="icon-mail-line"></i><a href="mailto:'. sanitize_email($header_email) .'">'. esc_html($header_email) .'</a></li>';




    in the function php of betheme child to keep update available the website

    the website crash

    so i miss something ? it's not so easy ? ?

  • Sorry, but we do not help with file customization.

    In that case, you should contact your web developer.


  • Hello, was this issue resolved? I am looking to solve this same problem

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