
For my website i am having troubles with the animations. They come in before i am on that part of the page. The animation alreading happen when the page is loaded. I would like to see the animations gradually while scrolling down. How do i achieve this? Thanks!


  • Hi,

    I can see that the first section on your website has the Full Screen option enabled.

    This option calculates the Section size with JS, and there is a brief moment where the second section is visible and automatically loads the animations.

    Please, add some padding to the first section, and check if the problem persists.


  • I did the cahnge u suggested and it is a little better but i would like to delay the animation just a bit more if that was possible.

    I also have a sudden problem that i have no idea where it's now coming from.

    1) The header is disapperaed, with the logo and the menu.

    2) The dashboard of the theme is't working anymore. I can only come on the dashboard of it but the other options under dashboard in the left column aren't working.

  • Unfortunately, I cannot suggest anything else to delay the animation.

    1) I can see that you are using the Header Builder. Did you populate the nonsticky header for desktop display with items?

    2) Please, turn off all of the plugins, refresh your cache, and check if the problem persists.

    Moreover, if you use a child theme, switch to parent, and recheck it.


  • The plugin header builder was giving problems. I wasn't using it. I had just activeted it and my header got messed up. Probably because i didn't set it up. So i have now turned off the header builder and my good old header is back. thx.

  • So everything is fine now?

    Is there anything else I can help you with?

    Best regards

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